Tuesday, January 31, 2012

For my inside out project, i chose to use the moon as my object. I have always had an idea that the craters in the moon are like little entry-ways for aliens to go in and out, and all the lines on the moon are runways from where they land.. haha dont call me crazy. Anyways, the red background on the inside of the moon is like an extra-terrestrial city and then i put pictures of aliens watching us from inside of the moon.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Photo site review

I messed around on photofunia.com and thought it was pretty cool. It gives a variety of photo backgrounds and settings that you can import a photo into. It's a useful website because basically all you have to do is upload a picture and all the editing is done for you. From a brick wall to a painter's canvas, its all there. It seems like photofunia would be perfect for a teenage girl or someone who likes to edit all of their photos without doing any of the work. This would be a good website to link to your page because it shows people a little taste of what this class is about.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

For my exam project, i chose pictures that relate to me and my hobbies. I have different athletes, movie characters, and landscape pictures to show what i love. I didnt really choose a particular pattern, i just wanted to make a stew of everything. By the way, i enjoyed this so thank you for making our exam interactive and fun.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

For my abstract project, i went to that jacksonpollock website and played around on there. I thought of the thick, green line as the river of life and everything around it is just crazy stuff that happens throughout a person's life.
For my artist inspiration, i chose an artist from the ARTnews magazine who is a man by the name of Alexis Rockman. This is not the image in the magazine, but i searched him on google and this was my favorite painting. As you can see, his painting style is realism and i chose this picture because it seems like somewhere i would want to be.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For my visual puns, i wanted to choose original ideas and the first things that came into my head. I tried to find the best pictures of each object and put them together to make them look as real as possible. Im sure other people have used the same ones as me, but i promise i thought of them myself:)


For my kaleidoscope project, i wanted to choose and image that was very colorful and expressive. The picture is of an amazon flower and i used the middle of the flower as the center of my work. The youtube tutorial made it pretty easy and i though this project came out well.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


For my portrait, first i took a picture of myself doing a ghetto pose cause it really stands out. I messed around with the effects and found the ones that looked the coolest to me and varied the most. I thought this project was pretty cool.